How To Choose and Register a .net Domain Name for Your Business in Three Steps

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A good first impression can be critical when you’re a small business trying to stand out from the competition. That’s why a great domain name is key to building your online presence. Many businesses choose .net domain names because .net is reliable, trusted and recognized. If you’re ready to choose and register a domain name for your business, check out these three steps.


Before you decide on a domain name, you’ll first need to search for and pick the right domain extension (the part after the dot) such as .net.

Also referred to as a top-level domain (TLD), a domain extension may influence how your audience perceives you or your business. Millions of .net domain names have been registered¹, because people know it’s a reliable, trusted and recognized TLD.

.net is used by millions of businesses around the world.


After you choose a domain extension, it’s time to come up with and search for a domain name that works to best describe your online presence.


An online presence is where your business can be found on the internet, and can include a website, social media page, and/or online marketplace. Pairing any part of your online presence with a domain name can open up possibilities by helping customers easily find your “home base” when doing business online.

While choosing your exact business name as a domain name may be an option depending on availability, it doesn’t have to be the same as your business name. To stand out, some businesses use taglines that can be more memorable. Another popular option is to expand on a business name with additional words to better describe your business. Here are some examples:

1 Include your location.

With consumers searching the internet to find information about local businesses, think about strengthening your online presence by targeting local customers through your domain name. Some examples are or

2 Add descriptors.

In a competitive market, descriptive words or adjectives can help make your business stand out. For example, says more about your business than just

A male business owner wearing an apron and holding a tablet in their coffee shop
Four people collaborating during a meeting and man with a computer writing in a notebook

3 Incorporate your profession, product or industry.

Consider adding words that describe what you do, or the focus of your company, like “accounting,” “bakery,” “jewelry” or “software.” This tip can also work well when combined with other suggestions on this list. For example, you could add a descriptor along with your product to get

4 Consider your name.

Are you the face of your project, idea or company? Try using your own name. Customers may like the personalization it brings, for example,

5 Combine common words.

Many recognizable brand names today are the result of combining two to three common words together to create a new word. For example, a professional vacation planning service could use “professional” and “vacation” to get Get creative!

try NameStudio® domain name generator

Try the domain name generator powered by NameStudio® to find available .net domain name suggestions.

Find a Domain Name


Once you’ve found a desired .net domain name, you’ll need to choose a domain name retailer to help you register it. If you don’t already have a domain name retailer in mind, you can choose one by searching online for one that meets your needs or by speaking with friends and other business owners you trust for a recommendation.

What’s a Domain Name Retailer?

Domain name retailers are businesses that offer domain name registrations in addition to related services/tools, such as custom email and website building.

The process for registering a domain name may vary depending on the retailer and your selections, but generally you communicate your desired .net domain name and the number of years you want to register the domain name (options are usually between 1 to 10 years) to the retailer along with your contact address and payment details. If the domain name is still available, they can help you complete the registration process and may offer you additional related services, such as custom email or website building and hosting. Once registered, you can start using the registered .net domain name, such as to point to an existing online presence or to build a website.

Woman holding a jar in a store

Helpful Tip

Even if you’re not ready to launch your own business website, registering a domain name can still help market your business online.

1 The Domain Name Industry Brief. Verisign (Q1 2022) (Data as of March 31, 2022).

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Simply enter words, phrases, or a business name to find great. net domain name suggestions.